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Belsira - vintage fashion with sex appeal

The German brand Belsira mixes classic rockabilly and 50s fashion with modern influences. Swinging petticoats, cute rockabilly dresses and tops with leopard print, here you find all ingredients, which stir the blood of pin-up girls and rockabellas. Cheerful navy blue meets cheeky red and elegant black. Fashion by Belsira is reminiscent of the heydays of jukeboxes and rock 'n' roll and makes it easy to look good.

Discover swing dresses, petticoats and beach wear by Belsira

Belsira offers fashion for different occasions. Swing and polka dot dresses by the brand are the perfect outfit for rockabilly partys. A petticoat under your skirt provides an authentic 50s look on the dance floor. Nautical outfits by belsira are not only for sailors a good reason to drop anchor. Close-fitting designs and elastic materials accentuate your curves. Even for days at the beach or the pool Belsira has something to offer: sexy retro beachwear that makes it easy to find help if you want to build a castle in the sand. Discover vintage fashion by Belsira in our online shop!

Belsira - 50s style dresses and beachwear

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