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Here you'll find a wide range of ★Rockabilly, HotRod, Music and Tattoo Buttons ★. The big choice is enormous. These over 400 fantastic designs include definitely the right one for you!

In the USA "One Inch Button Badges" were produced as low-priced alternatives to the expensive medallions at the beginning of the 19th century. John Wesley Hyatt invented celluloid in the year 1869. This invention brought the world the first semi-synthetical plastic. With the beginning of The Sex Pistols and Punk Music the buttons turned to an essantial fashinable accessory.
Over the next 10 year the world showed their faith to a band, music genre or youth culture by wearing an "One Inch Button Badges".
Even though buttons lost some of its popularity in the meantime - they're still here and of course in vogue.


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